As well as competent preparation of the contract and supervision of the escrow, buyers and sellers need guidance. What is essential is knowledge of all of the options, so clients can make informed, reasonable business decisions. In other words, the client has many choices, so the most important job of a licensee is to educate and advise. This includes counseling, negotiating, and other activities that require knowledge, including that of the law. My legal training enables me to analyze matters and guide the client to the best outcome – as opposed to just disseminating information for the client to sort through. I once asked an agent representing the buyer of one of my listings, “what did you advise your client to do?” His response was, “I don’t give my clients advice.” Don’t let that happen to you, use SimplySOLD and get the Attorney-Broker Advantage!
There’s More than the Contract, Part 3.
by | Apr 9, 2018 | Home Buying, Selling Your Home, The Attorney-Broker Advantage | 0 comments