
The Consumer Federation of America recently released a report critical of real estate agency practices. In The Agency Mess, the CFA noted that although consumers think agents represent their best interest, many agents actually represent the interests of the other party or the interests of neither party. The study states that structural conflicts allow dual agency and that does not serve the interests of home buyers or sellers because “no agent can act as a true fiduciary for both a buyer and a seller”. And the law won’t help you because when agents violate what little protection there is “state officials have made little effort to enforce disclosure laws”. I’ve been saying it for years – don’t let a real estate agent put you last. SimplySOLD takes fiduciary duty seriously and doesn’t engage in dual agency. You get the highest level of service and expertise possible – at the same or lower cost. Contact us to find out how this benefits you. And read “5 Things Agents Won’t Tell You” for more on how dual agency hurts you.