It has been said that there is nothing more popular than porn on the internet. There are also photos of homes, buildings, and other unique architecture available on the web. But is there a place where pornography and real estate have been combined? You would think so with all of the real estate related web sites that attach the word “porn” to their name.
Combining naked models with unique and famous landscapes and architecture in paintings, sculpture and photographs is nothing new. It has been done since at least ancient Greek times. A modern version might be something like a Victoria Secrets model with our Grand Canyon as the backdrop. But the sites I’m referring to are not about that.
An example of what I’m talking about can be found at It has photos of the interiors of various structures including hotels, bathes, tents, stores, apartments, kitchens and even fictional places, like the interior of Dr. Who’s Tardis. I assume that the idea behind the use of the name is that these pictures show really desirable stuff, which is just as wanted as porn.
There is also, a site with a jumble of photos showing all things real and imagined that are weird and fascinating. It’s not all strictly real estate, but there is definitely nothing of a sexual nature. I’m guessing it was created by some bored architectural students.
Then there is, which says it is Architecture Porn’s “posterous.” It has a post modern, stop motion video of the Lyric Theater in Alabama, showing people walking its unrenovated backstage accompanied by a strange song by Berlin.
Digging deeper, and of the most interest to me, is a review of an exhibition that featured a “historic romp through London,” consisting of old maps, drawings, photographs and models of buildings from Roman times to present you can find here.
Of course there are the ubiquitous merchants hawking all types of architectural accouterments, such as 522 Industries and its blog ( That company does produce some pretty awesome doors, and they posit the question “how sexy can a door be?”
So sorry, I have no links to what could be the best combination ever – naked ladies and real estate. You are going to have to do you own research to get those thrills. But if you have found other (PG rated please) web sites featuring great architecture, here in Arizona or elsewhere, let me know!