
Are Canadians in Denial, eh?

Part 2.  The Canadian real estate market is booming, but there are signs all might not be well. Some of those same indicators were present when Arizona’s real estate market tanked, so we in Arizona know them when we see them. Read on and see if you know how to...
Is Another Boom Going to Bust?

Is Another Boom Going to Bust?

Part 1. The Canadian real estate market has been very strong for a long time. Continued rising prices would appear to be unsustainable, as they can’t continue indefinitely. We learned that lesson in Arizona when our real estate boom busted. But Canadians claim that...
Canadian Currency Update #2

Canadian Currency Update #2

Last year I wrote about the increasing strength of the Canadian dollar relative to U.S. currency, and the result of a favorable currency exchange rate to Canadian investment here. I also discussed the positive impact the exchange rate makes to my fellow Canadians when...