
In Five Home Trends, I detailed likely buyer housing wants. Here are 5 more:
1. Wellness systems. Healthful features like lighting systems that utilize sunshine (such as clerestory windows and skylights), swimming pools without chlorine, and vegetable gardens.
2. Specialized storage. Storage where it’s needed, such as reducing the size of an adjoining bedroom in order to gain a suitably sized walk-in closet in the master bedroom. In a kitchen, it can mean a “super pantry” that minimizes clutter in the main kitchen, that has counter prep space, open storage, and secondary appliances.
3. Grander garages, including bringing the driveway’s surface into the garage, temperature controls, sleek glass doors, home audiovisual controls, and a big sink or tub to wash pets.
4. Water conservation. Home owners can now obtain rainwater harvesting tanks and cisterns (I have a modest 120 gallon system), weather-controlled watering stations, permeable pavers, and no- or low-mow grasses.
5. Outdoor living. Expanding your useful or living area by an outdoor shower next to the pool, an affordable outdoor kitchen, and better-equipped roof decks for urban dwellers.